Hello and welcome to my web site. As I write this I am drawn in many directions for the content of this introduction. I find that a single statement cannot be written, because of the many different reasons for this web site.
A very short bio: I was born in Syracuse, New York until age 4; raised in Huntsville, Alabama; moved to Derwood, Maryland at 17; I married wonderful wife, Linda, at 23 and moved to Fairfax, Virginia. My professional carrier as a software engineer in the Washington, D.C. area for 20 years came to an end when we moved to Wolfeboro, New Hampshire to open the Tuc' Me Inn B&B in 2002. Whew.
Oh my. It has been 15 years since updating this page. The Tuc' Me Inn was very successful and after 12 years Linda (my wife) and I closed it in 2012 and I returned to the computer field. I currently have been the DBA at Brewster Academy for 6 years - there is a 1 year overlap of running the inn and working full-time in IT, not a good idea.
I would like to update this sie with my current interests that include RC sailing, robotics (of course) and food (yum).
I hope you find this site interesting. Enjoy.